New Year New Skin


抗衰老盟友 - 逆齡再生強效套裝

我們相信從年輕時期開始抗衰老護膚程序能夠幫助維持肌膚的彈性和水分,最終隨著時間的推移減少可見的衰老跡象。 提升您的護膚程序,使用我們的強效套裝,旨在對抗衰老跡象,同時呵護即使是最敏感的肌膚。這對強效組合結合了逆齡再生精華—初階版的變革效果與水養滋潤保濕面霜的舒緩特性,提供全面的抗衰老解決方案。
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Clinical & User Trials

Rejuvenator Serum - Beginner

  • 96% of users reported improved acne within 8 weeks 
  • 97% of users reported improved skin tone & texture within 8 weeks 
  • 100% of users reported skin looked brighter, fresher, more well rested within 8 weeks -94% of users reported the results shows within 4 weeks 
  • 94% of users reported improved hyperpigmentation within 8 weeks
  • 97% of users reported improved pore size within 8 weeks
  • 97% of users reported skin elasticity within 8 weeks
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  • Vivian


  • Monica L


  • Stephanie


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As Seen In

為什麼選擇 Therapeautic ?

厭倦了乾燥和敏感肌膚的困擾嗎? 無需再煩惱了,因為Therapeautic將為您的護膚程序帶來革命性的變革。我們了解乾燥和敏感肌膚所帶來的困難,因此我們以科研數據剖析各類肌膚問題,針對症狀的根源,以醫學角度專門為您的需求找出解決方案。 我們的專家團隊精心調配並結合了強效活性成分,調配出符合肌膚生理的強效活性混合物,有助修復肌膚的天然屏障,讓皮膚狀態重回均衡水平。我們一起告別不適感,迎接一個焕發活力、光彩煥發的膚色! Therapeautic 承諾專注研發既安全又高效的產品,將您的健康置於首位。我們會確保我們的配方中不含可能危害您健康的成分,例如與激素干擾、癌症和皮膚刺激有關的成分。每一次使用都能帶來溫和舒緩的體驗,讓您的肌膚感到清新和恢復活力。 加入Therapeautic大家庭,探索卓越護膚的世界。您的肌膚值得最好的。你準備好和我們一起發揮你肌膚的潛能了嗎?和Therapeautic踏上通往更健康、更快樂肌膚之旅。

Therapeautic 護膚品推介5大優點



Effective skincare products rely on safe, clinically-tested, and active ingredients to improve skin balance. Therapeautic understands this importance and incorporates nourishing and healing active ingredients in its skincare products. Our skincare focuses on active ingredients that rejuvenate the skin:

  1. Allantoin
  2. Aloe vera
  3. Cica extract
  4. Ceramides
  5. Glycerin
  6. Niacinamide
  7. Panthenol
  8. Prickly pear extract
  9. Shea butter
  10. Squalane
  11. Tocopherol
  12. Grape seed extract
  13. Pulluan
  14. Betaine
  15. Jojoba oil
  16. Trehalose
  17. Vitamin E
  18. Urea

These active ingredients offer numerous benefits and help address various skin issues and conditions, including skin irritation and eczema. Trust Therapeutic to provide you with effective skincare solutions backed by these carefully selected ingredients.

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